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May 20, 2012

Fare thee well blessed Christ follower!

Good bye beautiful worshipers!
It is with sad regret that I am sorry to inform you faithful worshipers that I and my family are leaving Oasis Helderberg.
Thank you for your consistent commitment to helping us on stage!
Thank you also for being there so early every Sunday morning and reliably supporting our vision to facilitate erecting an altar of worship to bring glory to our magnificent Savior, Jesus Christ in the power of His HOLY Spirit.
Thank you for the pleasant manner in which you brought your expressive gifts and united in effort with us to honor our Glorious King Jesus with offerings of music and song straight from your pure hearts of adoration and devotion to the Redeemer.
By faith you glorify our great Deliverer.
I really didn't plan to leave so suddenly but I know you will continue to carry the flame of Holy Spirit driven praise of God's only begotten son; our Lord Jesus Christ always and everywhere.

Good bye sweet brethren and sisteren
I trust we will stay in contact.

While writing this I saw the same impression (vision) of heaven's light I often see which inspired me with these fare well words;

Churning and flamboyant
The splendid spectacle of His magnificence radiates forever omnidirectionally.
Seethingly the living flames emanating from His immense and massive presence;
Reaches the furthest corner of this universe He has created with spontaneous precision and infinite accuracy.
His tremendous glory dazzles the sense with such sheer splendour,
That they can hardly bear the exhilarating sensation!
This pure power, raw and undefiled, bathes my conscious neurons with soothing and delightful pleasure;
A perfect intimacy of sentient communication so satisfying; the divinely connected soul is tenderly induced to utter inspiration.
There, where natural biology so organically integrates with the mystically metaphysical spirit
And created human is united in harmony with its supremely divine Creator
19 Apr 2012
S. Keys
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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