Hi Guys n Gals
As you know the word says "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called 'sons of God."
Now with that in mind, I need to add that I don't view disagreements as a negative thing, but that is conditionally dependant (entirely) on if we consciously strive to do away with offense. Now that has two sides; one can (A) take offense and (B) be offensive, now who falls where is also very subjective, but if a disagreement is ever going to be constructive (how else can the verse about Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron..."), I believe each party must first decide to keep offense at bay and throughout the discussion one must keep checking ones "offense levels".
Where there are disagreements (like in IT when there are conflicting policies) the lowest common denominator is chosen above the conflict, in this case there are many (eg; "I know you", "we generally always get along", "we are part of the same spiritual family", "we are part of one body of Christ", "we both worship 1 saviour; Jesus Christ" etc. etc. to name but a few random ones off the top of my head), for me there are various biblical guidelines like;
A simple one Isa 55:12 "you shall go out with joy and be lead forth with peace" (BE LEAD BY PEACE).
When we have a difference of opinion we must put our own dogma (how we interpret a teaching) one side (without fear; no one is saying this means you give it up), temporarily and consciously choose to first understand; "what is the point the other person is trying to make", I try hard to choose my words carefully, but even when I try my best I very often use words that don't correctly express/ reflect the idea in my head. I am VERY convinced that most "conflicts" are merely a communication problem.
I say; in today's age where communication mediums are in abundance, if you're unable to control your emotion in one form (face to face), take it down a notch to the next form (phone call), if still not take it down another (letters/email/text/instant chat... whatever), I do believe one will eventually be "talking" to each other without misreading each other's tone/ body language/ choice of words etc. etc. - my teenie weenie experience though, is that in most case no one wants to take a topic that far.
The word talks about understanding, knowledge, choosing/ deciding right ,counsel etc (Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD), IF we desire/want to help each other see a subject/topic/issue the way we do, let us be patient in order to grow our understanding of the truth, as Peter said 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, live in harmony ... or Finally, be ye all likeminded, compassionate, loving as brethren
Then as a rule if there's a disagreement we can't resolve in the group, we take it out the group and talk one on one - I take this rule seriously and request that everyone abides by this when we are together.