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Dec 10, 2011

11 Dec Songs (last for the year)

ITEM: None/ (Else "Everlasting")

1. May our homes be filled with dancing

2. Father of lights

3. Ek will U loof

4. Everlasting ('a thousand times I've failed')

Sorry it's soooo late!

Bless ya'll

Dec 2, 2011

4 Dec songs

Hi Guys n Gals
There's no item this week. There's also no one to man the sound desk, so we'll get it to a point during the practice and just trust the Lord nothing goes wrong during the service.

The songs;
1. Come, now is the time to worship (D)
2. How Great is our God (G)
3. U is n Heil'ge God (C2)

See you at 8am
Be blessed

Nov 28, 2011

well put

·         A friend of Suzi & I from bible college (Collins Olanrewaju), recently shared this on his Facebook profile;
·         ‎'God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit...' John 4:24 NKJV
Someone has said that we are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experience but spiritual beings trying to have a human experience. The life force within you came from God, Who is Spirit. So in the act of worship, it's like going back to your beginnings and reconnecting with Him



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Nov 25, 2011

'O come let us adore Him' in a better key

O come let us adore Him
   C/E               Am7  G2
O come let us adore Him
   F      C/E  G2  Am7 F
O come let   us adore Him
C   G2        C
Christ the Lord

For You alone are worthy
For You alone are worthy
For You alone are worthy
Christ the Lord

We'll give you all the glory
We'll give you all the glory
We'll give you all the glory
Christ the Lord

27 Nov songs

Item; 'When the music fades'
1. Joy ('I love You Lord')
2. All because of Jesus ('Give of every breath')
3. 'O come let us adore Him'
4. 'When the music fades'

Nov 18, 2011

20 Nov 2 items

1.  "Juig al wat leef" (Louis Britz)
to listen;

C                  F              G             C       
Juig al wat leef, juig voor die Heer
C                  F              G             C
Dien God met blydskap gee hom eer
                     F            G      Am                         F          G        C
Kom nader voor sy aangesig en prys hom met ‘n lofgedig

Die heer is god erken dat hy
‘n eie volk vir hom berei
‘n volk om hom te dien en vrees
En skape van sy wy te wees

C    F    G             C      Am        F         G                    C
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, juig voor die heer

Want goedertieren is die heer
Sy goedheid eindig nimmer meer
Sy trou en waarheid hou hul krag
Tot in die laaste nageslag
Gaan deur sy poorte in met lof
Met lofsang in sy tempelhof
Kom in sy huis o bondsvolk saam
Verhef sy lof en prys sy naam

2. MYSTERY (Charlie Hall)
To listen download here;
I don't know how this will work in a group, but we'll play it by ear, hahaha
A           F#m             C#   D                          V
Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity                                C
A           F#m             C#   D                          V
Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity                               C 2x
E         D                                                 B
Bread of heaven, broken for me                              C
E         D                                                 End
Cup of salvation held up to drink
E      D

  Christ has died and
  Christ is risen,
 F#m      E          D
  Christ will come again

Celebrate his death and rising
Lift your eyes, proclaim his come
Celebrate his death and rising
Lift you eyes, lift your eyes

Nov 12, 2011

13 Nov song changes

ITEM: You are a holy God
1.       Halleluja in my hart
2.       Power of Your love
3.       Our God is an Awesome God
4.       You are a holy God

Nov 11, 2011

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called 'sons of God."

Hi Guys n Gals

As you know the word says "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called 'sons of God."
Now with that in mind, I need to add that I don't view disagreements as a negative thing, but that is conditionally dependant (entirely) on if we consciously strive to do away with offense. Now that has two sides; one can (A) take offense and (B) be offensive, now who falls where is also very subjective, but if a disagreement is ever going to be constructive (how else can the verse about Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron..."), I believe each party must first decide to keep offense at bay and throughout the discussion one must keep checking ones "offense levels".

Where there are disagreements (like in IT when there are conflicting policies) the lowest common denominator is chosen above the conflict, in this case there are many (eg; "I know you", "we generally always get along", "we are part of the same spiritual family", "we are part of one body of Christ", "we both worship 1 saviour; Jesus Christ" etc. etc. to name but a few random ones off the top of my head), for me there are various biblical guidelines like;
A simple one Isa 55:12 "you shall go out with joy and be lead forth with peace" (BE LEAD BY PEACE).

When we have a difference of opinion we must put our own dogma (how we interpret a teaching) one side (without fear; no one is saying this means you give it up), temporarily and consciously choose to first understand; "what is the point the other person is trying to make", I try hard to choose my words carefully, but even when I try my best I very often use words that don't correctly express/ reflect the idea in my head. I am VERY convinced that most "conflicts" are merely a communication problem.

I say; in today's age where communication mediums are in abundance, if you're unable to control your emotion in one form (face to face), take it down a notch to the next form (phone call), if still not take it down another (letters/email/text/instant chat... whatever), I do believe one will eventually be "talking" to each other without misreading each other's tone/ body language/ choice of words etc. etc. - my teenie weenie experience though, is that in most case no one wants to take a topic that far.

The word talks about understanding, knowledge, choosing/ deciding right ,counsel etc (Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD), IF we desire/want to help each other see a subject/topic/issue the way we do, let us be patient in order to grow our understanding of the truth, as Peter said 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, live in harmony ... or Finally, be ye all likeminded, compassionate, loving as brethren

Then as a rule if there's a disagreement we can't resolve in the group, we take it out the group and talk one on one - I take this rule seriously and request that everyone abides by this when we are together.


Hi Ane
Just let me know if you get this email from the blog


Hi Andre
Are you getting this test?

Nov 10, 2011

13 Nov songs

Hi Guys
We need to do two items for the end of year feast on the 20’th of November.
Please let me know if there a solo someone has or  perhaps something from your Sunday afternoon jams?
Let me know please, if no one comes back to me, I will have the whole team do two items then.
Then tonight/ this Sunday I will be on drums and Marko on Guitar, Fransie on Bass.

1.       Sing for joy to the Lord our strength
2.       Today
3.       Alles
4.       You are a Holy God (chorus starts “and we cry…”)

And Remember angels; if you aint got / giving love – you aint got/ giving nothing! EVERYTHING is because of love. Love is not wishy washy – it is the most powerful force in the universe since the word says “GOD IS LOVE”!!!

Be  blessed  brothers and sisters! Blessed to overflowing!

Nov 4, 2011

6 Nov songs - update

Beautiful people!
‘Strength will rise’ has been replaced by ‘Garments of Praise’
So it is as follows;
ITEM; “Unashamed Love”
1.  Wie regeer
2.  Garments of praise
3.  Open the eyes of my heart
4.  Breath (this is the air I breath)
Last night we had the pleasure of Ane & Anya (SP?) joining in our practice – thanks again to Iggy for making a way for us to include the youth into our worship team, this way all requirements (video school) are met.
Soon they will join us on the stage during the service ministering praise and worship to our Saviour!
Iggy will help us out on the sound desk this Sunday.

Nov 3, 2011

6 Nov songs

ITEM; “Unashamed Love”
1.  Wie regeer
2.  Srength will rise
3.  Open the eyes of my heart
4.  Breath (this is the air I breath)

My Blackberry is in for repairs, can we just circulate to all that the worship must take place before the play, if at all possible.

Oct 20, 2011

23 & 30 Oct songs

23 October
ITEM; “Unashamed Love”
1.       ‘Ek wil die Here loof’
2.       ‘Every move I make’
3.       ‘New wine’
4.       ‘Lord You have my heart’
30 October
ITEM; “Unashamed Love”
1.       ‘Happy Day’
2.       ‘Trading my sorrows’
3.       ‘Ek wil U loof’
4.       ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ (God of power & might…)

Oct 18, 2011


Roster & next item

Hi Guys
I haven’t yet adjusted the roster, but don’t think I’m going to till the end of the year for 2012. The only change I want to menshinnnn is that Romualdo will be permanently on the sound desk for now, so please assume your usual scheduled positions on the roster to avoid confusion.
But, here’s the next item;
Ten Shekel Shirt
Unashamed Love

          G                                 C
Your calling me to lay aside the worries of my day
Em7                             C    
To quiet down my busy mind and find a hiding place
G    C          Em7  C
Worthy, You are worthy

G                               C 
I open up my heart and let my spirit worship Yours
  Em7                         C
I open up my mouth and let a song of praise come forth
G    C         Em7  C
Worthy You are Worthy

G                        C
Of a childlike faith and of my honest praise
    Em7              C
And of my unashamed love
G                  C
Of a holy life and of my sacrifice
    Em7              C
And of my unashamed love

Oct 14, 2011

Just a reminder if there’s a problem receiving the email or for some or other isp/ technical reason you can’t/ don’t get the email; it all sits on the blog site;


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16 Oct songs

Let’s worship our Majestic Creator with these songs this Sunday;
ITEM; Indescribable
1.       ‘Everyday’
2.       ‘Let Your kingdom come’
3.       ‘Here I am to worship (Light of the world..)’
4.       ‘Daar is niks’
Looking forward to honouring The King with our corporate worship…….

Oct 7, 2011

9 Oct songs

Hi you beautiful people
Here’s this Sunday’s songs;
1.       'Dancing Generation’
2.       ‘Forever’
3.       ‘Blessed be Your name’
4.       ‘Laat dit Reen’

Sep 28, 2011

First songs in October - changes

I forgot about the graduation ceremony.
So I wanted to shorten it a bit;
1.       'Happy Day
2.       'Leeu van Judah'
3.       Eagles wings (Here I am waiting)
Then Suzi says our holidays have already started.
So, no practice tomorrow night, since we have a short set and no item


2 Oct Songs

ITEM; Jazzed up instrumental of one of the worship songs, hopefully some lyrics will wax freestyle..
1.       ‘Happy Day’
2.       ‘Leeu van Judah’
3.       ‘I love Your presence’
4.       Eagles wings (Here I am waiting)
Remember your ‘homework’, we want to hear what everyone has found in Revelations 4:8
Being holiday, next week there’s no Thursday night practice.

Sep 26, 2011

Sound desk

Hi Lads n Lass’

I’m sorry chaps I’ve had to make a few more changes to fill the blank sound desk spaces. I can’t have a scenario where someone sees an empty desk and tries to help, I know they have the best intentions but it’s too late to make when we’re serving.

Like yesterday, it’s so off putting, it puts me out of my happy place when the sound isn’t quite right and then I don’t feel “myself” if I can put it like that.

So, Fransie , Christel and Abrie have one less off slot for now.

Now don’t worry, all we really need is eye contact with the person there during the item or the first song I will communicate basically if the main monitor volume must be louder or softer.

To try accommodate the loss of ‘off-slots’, the person on sound desk needn’t be there on Thursday night, but they’re obviously welcome to still join us, but if they could be there Sunday at 9 for a final sound check, that should be enough, since we can get it to a reasonably acceptable state amongst ourselves during practice.

Please check our sound desk slot and see if you’re happy and please pretty please express any discontent so I can adjust it further. There needn’t be anyone unhappy, it’s not set in stone, it’s merely a guide line, and can of course be adjusted!

Thanks for all you guys contribute to this ministry of worship!!

We love you guys


PS: Sound-desk-basics legend;

1.       If the feedback/ distortion is a problem

2.       Adjust individual on-stage/ monitor volumes

3.       Adjust global on-stage/ monitor volume

4.       Mute each channel when Eben comes up


Sep 23, 2011

Truth without grace

Truth without grace brings a form of godliness that has no power. Love changes truth into grace that gives life. We must seek truth because we love the truth, and we want to be united with the One who is the Truth. - Rick Joyner
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Sep 21, 2011

25 Sep Songs

ITEM; Happy day

1.       Vader

2.       Your love never fails

3.       Abba Father (as we receive Your love)

4.       Surrender (not ‘Finally I surrender’ but starts with ‘I call out to You…’)


Sep 13, 2011

18 Sep songs

Item: Happy day
1.  Happy day
2.  Wie kan die son onderhou
3.  Free worship (use "In die Hemel" chords if we can't think of our own chords)
4.  Fire

"Song" 3 is dependent on us briefly mentioning the principles involved before we start the first song. So, there are NO official lyrics for that song and an empty slide must be used.....
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Sep 12, 2011

Revelation 4

  8And the four living creatures, individually having six wings, were full of eyes all over and within [underneath their wings]; and day and night they NEVER stop saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (Omnipotent), Who was and Who is and Who is to come.(E)

    9And whenever the living creatures offer glory and honour and thanksgiving to Him Who sits on the throne, Who lives forever and ever (through the eternities of the eternities),(F)

    10The twenty-four elders ([d]the members of the heavenly Sanhedrin) fall prostrate before Him Who is sitting on the throne, and they worship Him Who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, crying out,

    11Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honour and dominion, for You created all things; by Your will they were [brought into being] and were created

Through the centuries from the Mosaic leadership, throughout  the Joshua generation, throughout the rule of the judges, and then the Davidic dynasty and beyond, the Levites and priests offered their worship. It was not dependent on the growth and development in doctrine and leadership, yet simultaneously they submitted to a supported the vision the growth of leadership and doctrine provided, since they themselves as followers were changed by their teaching and submission.

I have already responded to the recent notions by saying our (team) first responsibility is to worship God; we ourselves will learn and grow in doing this and our brothers and sisters will hopefully make use of that brief moment of corporate worship. I am happy with this since, in my expectations (that we grow in our worship of God), of us as a team (which I have already communicated) there is still much room for growth, and that by no means excludes me…

For your own study you can each meditate why it is that the creatures never stop saying the same thing day and night…

Sep 9, 2011

11 September songs


Here’s this Sunday’s song list;


1.       ‘All creation’

2.       ‘Everlasting’ (starts; ‘A thousand times I’ve failed’)

3.       Alles

4.       Alleluja (‘…for our Lord God almighty reigns’)


Just to clarify what I was sayin to try prevent any confusion… I wasn’t trying to oppose what was being said, i listened again to the part in question and don’t disagree, but still wish to QUALIFY  what I’m getting at; our aim will always be to facilitate bringing glory to God, focussing on Him, using music/song to honour Him. What ever other means any one is/was using before/after corporate worship, to “enter His presence” only enhances the individuals experience of corporate worship. Our prioroty is to worship God, and there’s no doubt that we DO lead those who have not already made that a prioroty, but choose to participate in the moment. I sense there might be some technical interpretations with the notion of “leading/entering/ushering in”, and like i expressed last night, I have thought and prayed about that for quite some time and still come to the conclusion that it makes no real difference at the end of the day, since as long as our hearts are geared to worshipping God and directing the attention on Him to give Him glory, we will do what we’re supposed to. Simultaneously, I think it’s quite impossible for us to submit to the word we’re receiving without it affecting all (incl ministry) areas of life, once we resolve to apply what we’ve learned.

Final roster

We’re looking for volunteers for the blank spots on the sound desk. There are a few other blank spots, but the sound ones are more pressing….


Sep 7, 2011

Happy Day in C

Verse 1
The greatest day in history,
Death is beaten, You have rescued me
Am7                            F2
Sing it out, Jesus is alive
The empty cross, the empty grave
Life eternal, You have won the day
Am7                            F2            Gsus
Shout it out, Jesus is alive, He ís alive

            C               F2            Am7
And oh, happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
C                 F2                Am7
Oh, happy day, happy day
G                    C   F2  Am7
Iíll never be the same
Forever I am changed
C/E     F2    Am7    G

Verse 2
When I stand in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours, Jesus, You are mine
Endless joy, perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate, Jesus is alive, Heís alive                            (Repeat Chorus)

Am7                        Em     
Oh, what a glorious day
what a glorious way
That You have saved me
Am7                       Em  
And oh, what a glorious day
what a glorious name

(Repeat Chorus)

Verse 1:



The greatest day in history

G                                Bm

Death is beaten you have rescued me


Sing it out Jesus is alive


The empty cross, The empty grave

G                              Bm

Life eternal you have won the day


Sing it out Jesus is alive


He's alive




D        G         Bm       

O happy day, happy day


You washed my sin away

D        G          Bm

O happy day, happy day


I'll never be the same

[ Tab from: ]




Forever I am changed




Verse 2:


When I stand, in that place

Free at last, meeting face to face

I am Yours Jesus You are mine

Endless joy, perfect peace

Earthly pain finally will cease

Celebrate Jesus is alive

He's alive




Bm                  A

Oh what a glorious day


What a glorious way


That You have saved me

Bm                  A

Oh what a glorious day


What a glorious name




Song Order:

Verse 1


Verse 2

Chorus 2x


Chorus 2x



Sep 6, 2011

Happy Day

If you want to download the song to listen to in your own time; (hope that link is right! Haven't tested it)
Fransie has the cd if someone wants to borrow it.
Else if you want to buy your own; it's track 6, sung by Kim Walker, on the Jesus Culture album "Your love never fails". They play it at about 180 bpm - but either they vary their temp or I can't trust this metronome......
It's originally written by Tim Hughes
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Next Item; Happy Day

Happy Day - Tim Hughes

Verse 1:
The greatest day in history
Death is beaten, you have rescued me
Em C
Sing it out Jesus is alive

The empty cross, The empty grave
Life eternal You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive...
He's alive!

G C Em
Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away...
G C Em
Oh happy day, happy day
D G C Em
I'll never be the same
D G C Em D
Forever I am changed...

Verse 2:
When I stand, in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours, Jesus You are mine
Endless joy, perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate Jesus is alive
He's alive


1st time through: Play each chord once, ringing out, except the G
2nd time through: Palm mute the chords except the G chord

Em D
Ohh... What a glorious day
What a glorious way
That You have saved me
Em D
Ohh... What a glorious day
What a glorious name...

Chorus X2
Bridge X2

(Let me know if you want the guitar tabs)
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Sep 5, 2011

Slide and Recording Roster

Datum                             Wie
11 September 2011        Andre
18 September 2011        Deon
25 September 2011        Stephen
02 October 2011            Andre
09 October 2011            Deon
16 October 2011            Stephen
23 October 2011            Andre
30 October 2011            Deon
06 November 2011         Stephen
13 November 2011         Andre
20 November 2011         Deon
27 November 2011         Stephen
04 December 2011         Andre
11 December 2011          Deon
18 December 2011          Stephen
25 December 2011          Andre
01 January 2012             Deon
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Sep 1, 2011

4 Sep 2011 songs

Hey ya’ll

As agreed, we want the team to rest this Sunday & tonight, so;

On are the slides in a video Marko made for us, with their playlist, so that they play the following in this order;

1.       Everyday

2.       History Maker

3.       You won’t relent

It’s all in the file

Can who ever is doing the slides let me know once they’ve downloaded the video succesfully


Blessings upong blessings over you!



Aug 31, 2011

a bit of a break

Hi Guys n Gals

Thanks again for all your cooperation and support, you’re the bestest!

Just a reminder that there’ll be no practice this Thursday and the team won’t minister this Sunday.

I will arrange a dvd & slides.

Enjoy a bit of a break!



Aug 25, 2011

Song list double check - minor swaps


Sorry, I hate to do this now, but I see something I don’t like Fri & Sun’s last 2 songs happens to be the same and Sat am & Sat pm last song is also the same, please can we swap Fri’s “Worthy”  & Sat AM’s last song “holy..”

Like so;

THURSDAY 25 August (me on drums)

1. Sing, Sing, Sing

2. All because of Jesus

3. I have decided

4. Fire

FRIDAY  26 August  (me on drums)

1. Rain down

2. Sing my love

3. My soul longs for You

4. Holy, Holy, Holy

SATURDAY 27  MORNING  (Iggy on Drums, Marco on Bass)

1. Sing my love

2. Sing, Sing, Sing

3. Where are the sons

4. Worthy

SATURDAY 27  EVENING  (Marco on drums)

1. Rain Down

2. I am free

3. Where are the sons

4. Fire

5. Holy, Holy, Holy

SUNDAY  28 August (Iggy on Drums)

1. I am free

2. All because of Jesus

3. My soul longs for You

4. Worthy

tonights the night


I’m going to try to be there at 5, but depending on when we can leave the kids it could even be 5:30.

Please be there no later than 5:30 so we can test the sound so it’s 100% (try and come as early as you can, then we can actually practice some change overs in that time instead of just sound checking).

We figured out that we were trying to achieve last night,  was not in place before anyway, one channel to the monitors was always dead (IE; both sides were always running off 1 AUX channel) – which explains why trying to shift an input’s balance from left or right never made a difference.

Anyway, we need better quality cables feeding the monitors now that we’re using input cables as output cables (to eliminate that hum/background buzz), but we’ll be okay for the conference, so don’t worry.

Looking forward to a blast!

Bless you



Aug 24, 2011

Song list double check

THURSDAY 25 August (me on drums)

1. Sing, Sing, Sing

2. All because of Jesus

3. I have decided

4. Fire

FRIDAY  26 August  (me on drums)

1. Rain down

2. Sing my love

3. My soul longs for You

4. Worthy

SATURDAY 27  MORNING  (Iggy on Drums, Marco on Bass)

1. Sing my love

2. Sing, Sing, Sing

3. Where are the sons

4. Holy, Holy, Holy

SATURDAY 27  EVENING  (Marco on drums)

1. Rain Down

2. I am free

3. Where are the sons

4. Fire

5. Holy, Holy, Holy

SUNDAY  28 August (Iggy on Drums)

1. I am free

2. All because of Jesus

3. My soul longs for You

4. Worthy

Aug 23, 2011

Sound desk

Hi Guys.
Leo had the brilliant idea of moving the monitor amp (the old sound "desk") to the back of the church.
We didn't want you guys at church tomorrow night, so you can get rest for the following 4 days. If you can get out of it, please do.
Tomorrow night Leo n I will plug the cables he's going to get for us tomorrow in and continue testing all the levels.
I'm very excited about ministering with you all, it's going to be fantastic!
You are all fabulous!
Be blessed outa your socks!!!!!!

Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Tuesday night sound check

Neglected to indicate what time; we meet at 7 tonight…

Aug 19, 2011

Cables & Tuesday night sound check

Hi Guys and Gals

Can we ask that each person take responsibility for the neatness of their own instrument’s cable, starting especially with the conference and going forward. This of course naturally includes untangling yours from others. Practically it obviously  implies, that after the service, we’ll invariably all be unravelling our cables.

Sorry if it sounds petty, but there’s no other logical way around this neatness issue any other wise.  There’s simply just no one else with the incentive to tidy up the cables we use. Let’s hold each other (of which I’m probably the biggest big culprit) responsible to this task.                                               

Then, can we please  get together on Tuesday night for a sound check? Either way we’ll have to ensure all instruments we’ll use for the conference are there on Tuesday night. On this point please try to keep your volume levels on your own instruments constant, rather let us raise your stage/monitor volume from the sound desk than turning yourself up.

Anyhoo looking soooooooooooooo forward to our conference jams, it’s gonna be rocking!!!!

Aug 17, 2011

2moro's practice

We meet @ 7 until 8.



Aug 16, 2011

FW: [JWReminder] FW: One Day in the Gap

From: Bennie Mostert []
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:57 PM

Dear Friends

It is quite obvious that we are not at a good place in South Africa right now. Internationally there is an upsurge of violence in the Middle East, North Africa and several nations in Europe. These are just a few. This violence can very easily erupt in South Africa. 

The violence in Tunisia and England started with one "small" incident. All that is needed is one little match in our nation.

We need to raise a wall of prayer around this nation. Christians need to stand in the gap for this nation. 

We are living in a serious time and as the church we have a responsibility. The problem is bigger than the political difficulties. We have major social and economic challenges. There are many strikes and labour unrest and we can add to the list.

Not of these things are humanly speaking solvable.

This is a call to ask the church to build a prayer wall around the nation, to stand in the gap for our nation. (Ezek.22:30)

Through the initiative called One Day in the Gap, we are calling on local churches to take at least one day in the next 12 months to stand in the gap for our nation – building a prayerwall, crying day and night to God to intervene. In Luke 18:7 Jesus says that if we pray day and night God will make what is wrong.

This initiative is from 1 September 2011 till 31 August 2012.

Let us join hands and lay hold of God in praying for His intervention. (Isa.64:7)

Please contact Jericho Walls to register a day. You can send an email to or phone 012-3653213.

Bennie Mostert

twitter: benniemostert / SimplePrayer1
Office: +27123653213

Mobilising the nations to pray



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