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Apr 29, 2010

2 May

Item:Daar is niemand soos Hy
1.Making melody
2.All creation
3.You won't relent
4.Daar is nikd
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

2 May song list;

Hi Guys.
For those coming; we start @ 18h30 tonight.
ITEM: Darr is niemand soo Hy
1. Making Melody
2. All creation
3. You won't relent
4. Daar is niks
We start at 07h30 this Sunday.
Be blessed

Apr 23, 2010

Watch Angus Buchan's Mighty Men's Conference on GOD TV!

Watch Angus Buchan's Mighty Men's Conference on GOD TV!

*Session 1: Friday 23 April 21h00, Saturday 24 April 01h00 and 15h30*
*Session 2: Saturday 24 April 19h30, Sunday 25 April 02h30*
*Session 3: Sunday 25 April 13h00*
*Session 4: Sunday 25 April 19h00, Monday 26 April 00h30 and 14:00*

GOD TV brings you the ever-popular Mighty Men's Conference 2010. This
year's theme "Watchmen of the House" challenged South Africa's men to
rise up as men of faith and to lead in their various situations - as
heads of homes, businesses and communities. Hundreds of thousands of men
returned home last Sunday from the last MMC held at Shalom Ministries in
Greytown, with a new passion to lead well and strong.

With GOD TV's global broadcast of this event this weekend, the impact
will be felt worldwide. Don't miss your opportunity to experience
life-changing power by tuning in to GOD TV for this phenomenal
broadcast. Invite your friends and loved ones to participate in their
God-given responsibilities as "Watchmen of the House".

Angus Buchan is a farmer turned evangelist whose passionate faith is
stirring up revival and helping to build this nation.

/"I'm believing that this is going to be our greatest year as believers,
that the Christian church has ever seen since the time of Jesus"/, says

Apr 15, 2010

4got 2 say

This coming Sunday's main/first item is 'Daar is niemand soos Hy'
Cheers! ----Sent via my 8l@ck8erry----

Apr 8, 2010

Apr 11-25 songs

11 April 
1. 'Everlasting' (Strength will rise)
2. U is die een
3. Exalted
18 April
ITEM: 'How he loves us' (Kim Walker)
1. Hoop vir die Nasie
2. Rhythem of heaven
3. Finally I surrender
4. Power of Your love

25 April
ITEM: 'How he loves us' (Kim Walker)
1. Rain down
2. 'friend of God'
3. Revelation song
4. Alles

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