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Oct 30, 2009

rick joyner

Day 62 - The Path of Wisdom

Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge properly. In Proverbs 24:3-4 we
are told, *"By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is
established; And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and
pleasant riches." *It is true that sermons filled with knowledge will
tend to draw people. The gift of a word of knowledge will also draw
crowds. This is good, but our purpose in the Lord is not just to draw
crowds, but also to see people built together into the house of the
Lord. To do this we need wisdom. The gift of a word of wisdom may not be
as spectacular as the gift of a word of knowledge, but it is every bit
as essential for the work of God to be accomplished.

The following are just a few of the Scriptures that exhort us about the
value and advantages of wisdom.

* For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things can
not compare with her (Proverbs 8:11). *

* How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get
understanding is to be chosen above silver (Proverbs 16:16).*

* Wisdom strengthens a wise man more than ten rulers who are in a
city (Ecclesiastes 7:19).*

* Wisdom is better than strength (Ecclesiastes 9:16).*
* *
* Wisdom is better than weapons of war (Ecclesiastes 9:18).*

How do we get wisdom? We just need to ask as we are told in James 1:5,
*"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."* It
is wisdom to understand that we need wisdom. This is a fundamental
humility, which is a prerequisite for wisdom, as we read in Proverbs
11:2, *"When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is
wisdom." *

A basic characteristic of humility is teachableness. A tragic pride has
gripped our souls when others cannot teach us. The depth of our humility
might be demonstrated by how open we are to be taught by those who might
be considered inferior. Was this not the great test, and the reason why
the Lord, who was Wisdom Himself, came as a humble carpenter? Is this
not why He called the* " uneducated and untrained"(see Acts 4:13)* to be
His apostles? It seems that He so structured His ministry and His church
to filter out the proud and attract only the humble. We can see that
this is basic to the Lord's nature in both James 4:6 and I Peter 5:5
which states that *"God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the
humble." *

Knowledge fills our lives, but wisdom builds them. Therefore, in the
building of our lives, families, churches, and ministries, the seeking
of wisdom must be a priority. To do this we must seek humility. It is
therefore wisdom to associate with the lowly, and learn to patiently
listen to those whom we may be prone to think are inferior. The Lord
Jesus Himself rejoiced, saying, *"I praise Thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the *(worldly)*
wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to babes" (Matthew 11:25).*
He also said that we would have to become like little children to enter
the kingdom. One of the basic characteristics of children is that they
are teachable. Humility is the way that the kingdom will come to our lives.

Oct 29, 2009

rick joyner

Day 61 - Breakthrough in the Air

Robin McMillan once told me that he could "smell a breakthrough." I
thought that was a funny way to put it, but I had to admit that I could
too. It was as if there was a special energy in the air, and you could
actually smell a coming release in the Spirit. For about a year we had
been in a holding pattern with many of our projects, and sure enough,
soon after Robin and I had this conversation, there seemed to be a
breakthrough on every front.

Of course, when you are advancing it is important that you not take more
land than you can hold. I was recently in a meeting with the head of the
largest bank in America. He told us how they had been asked by the
government to provide about five hundred million dollars for inner city
projects. This was to enable those who had successful small businesses
in the inner cities to expand them. However, the result was that all of
this money ended up hurting these small businesses more than helping
them. By giving them so much money, they were able to take a huge leap
in size, but these people were not given the training on how to run a
large business. Many of those who were successful on one level went
bankrupt on the next level because they were given resources for which
they were not ready. Has this not also been the reason for the failure
of many churches and ministries?

It is good to have a big vision, but many who are vision-driven are
prone to take on responsibilities for which they are not yet prepared.
There is an old saying that "Any job can be accomplished if it is broken
down into small enough steps." It is good to have a clear vision of our
ultimate purpose, but if we are overly focused on the ultimate purpose
rather than the next step, it is likely that we are going to be
stumbling over some things. It was for this reason that the Lord made
Israel conquer their Promised Land one battle at a time. He told them
that He was not going to let them do it too quickly because the beasts
of the field would take it over (see Exodus 23:29). He did not want them
to conquer land until they were strong enough to hold it. The same is
true with us.

The most encouraging thing to me about what is happening at our local
congregations is that many of the spiritual exploits are not coming
through the full time leaders, but through individuals and small groups
who are hearing the Lord's voice and responding. Every week I hear of
remarkable things that are happening completely without orchestration
from our office. The church office is not supposed to be the head of the
church, but Jesus is. To me this is real Christianity, with the Lord
moving through the different members of the body as it pleases Him. As
we read yesterday from Ephesians 4:12-13, let's look at the next couple
of verses.

* but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects
into Him, who is the head, even Christ,*
* from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that
which every joint supplies, *
* according to the proper working of each individual part, *
* causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in
love (Ephesians 4:15-16).*

One of the main things that the Lord is doing now is forming the
"joints." A joint is not a part, but it is where two parts come
together. This will ultimately enable the *"proper working of each
individual part."* This has to happen for many to go to the next level
of their visions. Just as Barnabas had to go get Paul before he could be
released in his own ultimate calling, there are joinings that must take
place between the members of the body before we can all go to the next
level. The Lord has so composed His body that we all need each other,
and none of us are going to get there alone.

Oct 26, 2009

rick joyner

Day 59 - The Power of Purpose

A recent study made by Richard Leider and David Shapiro found that the
number one fear that people have is to live a meaningless life. Finding
one's purpose and fulfilling it is the deepest yearning of the human
heart, even more compelling than fame or fortune.

Those who have had the most clearly defined purposes have been the
leaders of the world. As Laurie Beth Jones stated in her book, The Path:
"People with a clearly defined mission have always led those who do
nothave one. You are either living your mission, or you are living
someone else's."

One of our primary purposes at MorningStar is to help people find their
purposes in God. Every Christian has a high calling, to be like the
Lord, to do the works that He did, and to represent Him to this world.
Because of this high calling, everything that a Christian does can have
eternal significance for those around them. What could be more important
than that?

*"For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14).* This means
that many come to know their callings, but few go on to fulfill them.
Many are called to do great things, but they do not fulfill those
callings because they do not give themselves to the little things. If we
are not faithful in the little things we will not fulfill our purposes
in life. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: "If you are a street
sweeper, determine that you are going to be the best street sweeper who
ever lived. Sweep streets like Michelangelo painted. If you become the
best street sweeper who ever lived, the world will beat a path to your
door to see the best street sweeper who ever lived."

The first step toward fulfilling our purposes is to understand that
there are no insignificant tasks. The people who become the greatest at
great things are also usually great at everything they do. Those who do
great things have greatness in them, not just in their tasks. If you
will do whatever you are doing now with all of your heart as unto the
Lord, and if you will face every task with that passion and a devotion
to excellence that His work deserves, you will do great things because
greatness will be in you. Remember, you were made in the image of God
who does all things well.

I have been privileged to know some of the most successful people in the
fields of business, sports, entertainment, government, the military, and
ministry. I have observed success from many vantage points. The reasons
for success are the same in every case, and they are strikingly simple.
Leo Tolstoy, possibly the greatest writer who ever lived, started one of
his classics with an insight that applies here: "Every happy family is
alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." The secret to
success in almost any field is the same, and it is easy to understand.
Failure is much more complicated.

The principles for success are basic and simple. If you try to make them
more complicated than they are you will fall into the traps that keep
people from their purpose. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians,

* But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his
craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity *
* and purity of devotion to Christ (II Corinthians 11:3).*

The shortest route to knowing your purpose and fulfilling it is to do
all that you are given to do with all of your heart, as unto the Lord.
Whatever you have now been given to do, do it like Michelangelo
painted. The world may or may not ever take note of it, but the Lord
will. He will trust you with even more talents if you treasure and use
well the ones He has already given you.



Just letting you know our cell group has a blog;
The notes from the sermons we go through gets posted there.


PS: We did "The sign, the seed and the soil" sermon (20090920) last
night because there was a problem uploading last Sunday's recording.

Oct 23, 2009

rick joyner

Day 56 - Vision With Power

Detrich Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite authors. He was a true
prophetic voice during the first part of this century. He stood against
the greatest darkness of his time without compromise, and died because
of it in a Nazi concentration camp. In one of his books, Life Together,
he made a bold and shocking remark, stating simply: "God hates the
visionary." The translation of this from the German language that he
wrote in may be a little stronger than he intended, but there is some
truth to this that we should understand.

Vision is a powerful force. Almost all human advancement is the result
of someone having a vision. It has been a great encouragement for me to
see so many with a vision gather in our local congregations. I have
listened to many visions, and I feel that most of them really are from
the Lord. It has stirred me with the knowledge that there is a potential
for something more extraordinary than I could have even hoped for just a
couple of years ago. However, if we are going to fulfill our calling, as
individuals and as a church, we must now go beyond just having a vision.

Almost everyone, Christians and non-Christians, has a vision of what
they want to do or be, and yet very few fulfill it. Vision alone has
never accomplished anything. Between the place of having a vision and
seeing it fulfilled, there is always a lot of hard, tedious work that
few visionaries have been willing to do. I think that was the source of
Bonhoeffer's frustration with visionaries.

That is why, regardless of how good a person's vision sounds, I cannot
get too encouraged about it until I see them also having a heart to
work. Having the vision is the fun part. Walking it out will usually be
much more difficult. Between the place where we receive the promise and
the Promised Land, there will be a wilderness that is the opposite of
what we have been promised. That wilderness is where our faith in God is
purified, and our knowledge of ourselves becomes much more realistic.
The wilderness is the place where the mere visionaries are separated
from those who have true faith, who love the purposes of God enough to
pay the price to see the visions fulfilled. That is why James wrote:
"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without
works is dead" (James 2:26).

God did not call us out of bondage just to wander aimlessly in the
wilderness. He called us to walk in the full inheritance that He gained
for us on the cross. We cannot settle for anything less. It is time to
get through the wilderness and start possessing the promises that we
have been called to inherit. I am even more convinced that this is the
time to cross over when I see so many with great visions who also have
great hearts and are ready to work. However, let us not forget that even
after we have crossed our Jordan River and have begun to eat the fruit
of the land, the battles will have just begun. Possessing our promises
will be hard, but it will be worth it.

We must combine vision with the wisdom to know how to do the work, the
faith to know that it can be done, and the resolve to actually do it. As
we studied yesterday, those who have a vision to see the house of the
Lord restored, and the walls of His great city rebuilt, will suffer
attacks from within and without. However, those with true faith will not
be deterred. Our goal is to hear on that most glorious judgment day,
"Well done good and faithful servant. You finished the job I gave you to

Oct 22, 2009

rick joyner

Day 54 - Maturity Leads to Unity

Though every believer should be rooted in all of the basic Christian
doctrines, no one person, church, or movement, has all the truth. As we
discussed earlier, the gravitational pull of all the different planets
help keep the earth in its proper orbit. Likewise, all the spiritual
heavenly bodies need each other's influence to stay in their proper
orbits. What we have must be joined to what the Lord gives to the rest
of His body if we are to have the whole truth. This is stated in the
Lord's Prayer the night before He was crucified:

And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they
may be one, just as We are one;

I in them and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the
world may know that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as
Thou didst love me (John 17:22-23).

The Greek word that is translated "perfected" in this Scripture could
have been translated "completed." Either way, the Lord has established
that the only way we can fulfill our purpose is to be properly joined to
the whole body of Christ. This is why Paul did not write that "I have
the mind of Christ," but rather "we have the mind of Christ" (see I
Corinthians 2:16). No one person, or one body of believers can contain
His mind. It takes the coming together of the whole body for us to have
His mind.

Because of this, when the church comes into this unity the world will
know that He was indeed sent from the Father. We will not be able to
come into such a unity without Him, so when we do, we will both perceive
Him and reveal Him. However, we will not come into this unity by seeking
unity, but only by seeking Him. Unity as a goal in itself can be a false
god, a stumbling block to both the mind of Christ and true unity.

True unity will never be built on compromise, or political alliances,
but rather on the revelation of the Son of God as the only Head of His
church. Revelation is a revealing from God. The revealing from God is
always the Son. When the Lamb comes in, even the twenty-four elders will
cast their crowns before His throne (see Revelation 4:10). Who could
ever presume glory or position in His presence? When He is revealed all
the things that now divide us from one another will be seem just as
petty and profane as they are.

When we see the love that He has, we will be ashamed of our lack of love
for Him and one another. Our crowns will also come off, as we humble
ourselves before His great glory. Then we will not be seeking position
or recognition, but we will be consumed with a passion to see His glory
revealed. That passion to see the Son of God exalted is from the Holy
Spirit. Jesus is the Truth, and Jesus is Reality. All other endeavors
will pale when He is revealed just as the stars fade when the sun rises.
This is the glory that He prayed for us to have so that we could be
perfected in unity—it is the glory that He had with the Father in the
beginning. This is why John wrote:

but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have
fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us
from all sin (I John 1:7).

When we walk in the light of the Son, we will have fellowship with one
another, and we will be cleansed of all unrighteousness by His life
(blood) that flows through us. As blood can only flow through those
members that are joined to the body, we too must be joined to His whole
body if His life is to flow through us.k

Oct 21, 2009

25 Oct - 29 Nov Songs

25-Oct Item “Hope vir die Nasie” (Onbeskaamd2)
25-Oct 1 Leeu van Juda
25-Oct 2 God of the city
25-Oct 3 Open the eyes of my heart
25-Oct 4 Above all
01-Nov Item “Hope vir die Nasie” (Onbeskaamd2)
01-Nov 1 Wie Regeer
01-Nov 2 In the Secret
01-Nov 3 Mighty to save
01-Nov 4 Garment of praise
08-Nov Item “Hope vir die Nasie” (Onbeskaamd2)
08-Nov 1 My Redeemer live
08-Nov 2 Days of Elijah
08-Nov 3 Hoe groot is ons God
08-Nov 4 Allelujah
15-Nov Item “Praise the Father, Praise the Son” (Chris Tomlin)
15-Nov 1 “Hope vir die Nasie” (Onbeskaamd2)
15-Nov 3 Lord of all creation
15-Nov 4 Once again
22-Nov Item “Praise the Father, Praise the Son” (Chris Tomlin)
22-Nov 1 Ek wil gereed wees
22-Nov 2 Blessed be your name
22-Nov 3 How great is our God
22-Nov 4 Nothing but the blood

29 Nov is the "Christimas-Family" Item - Elsie spoke about, so anything could happen here....

Oct 19, 2009

morning star rick joyner

Day 52 - Who Can Discern Truth

As we pursue sinking our roots deeper into God's Word, we need to
understand the basic biblical principles that lead to truth, and most of
all, lead to Him who is the Truth. A fundamental requirement for
discerning the truth is found in the remarkable statement made by the
Lord in Matthew 11:25:

At that time Jesus answered and said, "I praise Thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and
intelligent and didst reveal them to babes.

As the Lord Jesus Himself declares, the immature are far more likely to
have a greater understanding of the Scriptures than the wise and
intelligent. Most of the great perversions of Scripture have come from
those who believed that they had a superior insight into the Scriptures
because of their wisdom and intelligence. Does this mean that we should
seek to stay spiritually immature? Of course not. However, we must
understand that true spiritual maturity has qualities that are
childlike. The Lord also said in Matthew 18:3:

"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children,
you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."

A child is teachable. Being teachable is one of the basic qualities of
humility. In James 4:6 we are told, "But He gives a greater grace.
Therefore it says, 'God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the
humble."' God's ways are much higher than our ways. In order for us to
understand Him, or His Word, we must keep a humble, teachable attitude.

In Scripture, the Word of God is called a river of life. A river is ever
flowing, continually going somewhere. If we remain in that river we too
will be ever flowing, moving forward. As we are told in I Corinthians
2:10: "For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit
searches all things, even the depths of God." If we are following the
Spirit, we will be going deeper. Even the knowledge of basic doctrines
will be expanding for us as we come to understand the depth of His ways.
However, they should never expand beyond what can clearly be established
by the Scriptures themselves. In all things we must always come back to
"It is written" (see Matthew 4:4).

Oct 13, 2009

The next item; "Hoop vir die nasie" (Onbeskaamd 2)

(These chords will change, we want it in an easier key, but we'll have that on Thursday;)

Hoop vir die nasie
G#m-F#/A#-B C#m B/F#-F

Hosanna in die hoogste

Hosanna in die hoogste

E- G#m

Ons sing,#

F# - E G#m F#sus-F

Ons sing, Ons sing

F# B/F#

Koning Jesus,Koning bo almal

D#m C# Bm C#

U het die naam bo elke naam

F# B/F#

Koning van vrede, hoop vir my nasie

D#m C# B C# F#

U het die Naam wat ewig, wat ewig sal staan.

(Let me know if you have the bandwidth for me to email you an mp3 of the song to listen to in advance)

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Click on "Older Posts" at the bottom right hand corner of the blog
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You can also use the "Search This Blog" on the top left corner (but then
you'll need the date or some word you know will appear in what you're
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Oct 8, 2009

Psalm 40 included for Oct 11

We'll include Psalm 40 included this Sunday Oct 11.
(Click on the picture of the song to get view it clearly)

Oct 2, 2009

"Where are the sons" strategy

Hi Guys

I have an idea to try vary the song a little more, by alternating instruments between verse and chorus - please, please work on how you think best would be a creative/original style/way to play your own part so that it sounds different and we can try attempt to perhaps maybe, break free from the style we dislike in this song;

  1. Intro - Instrumental; Everyone start simultaneously all together at once - ONLY 1 bar
  2. Bridge, Acoustic guitar only , female voice alternating lines X2
  3. Instrumental - ONLY 1 bar - 1 instrument; PIANO + drums
  4. Verse ONE; Acoustic guitar & piano(alternating lines) + 1 voice (male and female alternating lines) + snare of drums only
  5. Chorus Distortion guitar picking the lead only + base drums (only) & bass guitar in driving/dance rhythm + male voice
  6. Bridge, Acoustic guitar only, female voice alternating lines X2
  7. Instrumental - ONLY 1 bar - piano + drums
  8. Verse TWO ; Acoustic guitar & piano(alternating lines) + 1 voice (male and female alternating lines) + snare of drums only
  9. Chorus; Distortion guitar picking the lead only + base drums (only) & bass guitar in driving/dance rhythm + male voice
  10. Bridge, Acoustic guitar +piano, female voice alternating lines X2
  11. Instrumental - ONLY 1 bar - everyone all together, sudden end.
Thanks guys
Be Blessed as you prepare to focus our congregation's attention on honoring the glory of our Majestic King!

(no subject)

*SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- October 1, 2009:*

Allow the water of My Word to wash away all defilement of flesh and
spirit. Let me cleanse you and release you into the power of a new day.
Deliberately renew your mind, and let go of all ungodly and destructive
mindsets. Rise up in faith and renewed hope as you release the past and
prepare to move ahead. Refuse to allow the enemy to destroy your
confidence by making you feel condemned. Overcome the flesh, and walk in
the Spirit, says the Lord.

/Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in
Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to
the Spirit./

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